To fulfill our mission of building school community, providing enriching experiences for students, and supporting students, parents, teachers, staff and volunteers, the Landels PTA funds a number of important programs at Landels Elementary that benefit all students, including
Social Events: Multicultural Festival, Holiday Fair, Playdates, Family Fun Nights, Science Night, and Walkathon
Enrichment programs: Field Trips, Assemblies, Social-Emotional Learning (Project Cornerstone), Leadership Program (Playworks/Coach Joe), and LEAP (Landels Enrichment Activities Program), and Math Olympiad. Since 2024, we have been hosting the district-wide Chess Tournament.
Supplies and programs for teachers/students, including technology programs not covered by the District and a free book at the Book Fair for every student
Teacher Appreciation Week, plus regular appreciation lunches throughout the school year
School beautification and durable goods, such as playground equipment that needs replacing year to year and our Outdoor Classroom
School Pride: A high quality Landels shirt for every student and staff member
We also facilitate 3rd-party after school enrichment programs to offer activities at a convenient time and location, to increase access and to minimize the need to drive in our walkable community. Programs include Art, Math, Lego Engineering, Tennis, Chess, and Coding.
The Landels PTA is grateful for the generous donations from families, community members, and corporate match that make these programs possible. In addition to funding, we rely greatly on our parent and community volunteers. To get involved, join a PTA meeting, browse our volunteer opportunities, or contact the board.