Box Tops
Do you ever see Box Tops or Labels for Education on items you buy? They can be found on cereal boxes, granola bars, facial tissue, soup cans, and many more items. You can find the full list of items here.
The Box Tops program has gone digital! Download the app, choose Landels as your school, and scan qualifying receipts within 14 days. Each Box Top is worth ten cents to our school, and sometimes more with bonus offers!.
Raleys/Nob Hill
Do you shop at Nob Hill? If so, you can sign up for the Something Extra rewards program. Through this electronic scrip program, a percentage of your grocery bill will automatically be donated to Landels School. Register online at
EScrip is an easy way for Landels School to gain funds through basic purchases you make at participating merchants like Draeger's, Food 4 Less, and Mollie Stone's and many more stores and restaurants nationwide! So, please tell your friends and family! Best of all, eScrip costs you nothing! All you have to do is register your Safeway card and credit cards on the secure eScrip website, or fill out a form located in the office, and as you shop or dine, you automatically earn money for Landels.
For NEW eScrip members:
Go to:
Click on the words "STEP 1: Sign Up—It's Free!" in the four-step box on the right-hand side.
Follow the easy step-by-step instructions.
For RETURNING eScrip members:
Go to:
Click on the red, "Yes! Click Here to Renew," checkbox in the bottom left-hand corner.
Follow the easy step-by-step instructions.
Office Depot
Landels participates in Office Depot's 5% Back to Schools program, in which a designated school receives merchandise credit of 5% of "qualifying school supplies" purchases. You must mention our school at checkout, enrolled under the name "Edith Landels Elementary School".
Sports Basement
Sports Basement, is spinning the traditional “loyalty” program into a win-win for their loyal customers and our community. Basementeer’s receive 10% and give 10%: 10% off every item every day and 10% of profits back to Landels.
There is a $25 fee to join the program. Find locations here.
Landels PTA's Group ID Number is 1802440.