Afterschool Enrichment Class Schedule: Fall 2024

Classes begin Sept. 3

The PTA has organized outside vendors offering enrichment classes, available after school on each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of the week. Details and links are listed below for each program. Classes will be available in the fall, winter, and spring trimesters throughout the school year, with many versions of the classes repeating.

Please Note: These programs are not extended childcare. Children are encouraged to show up ready to participate. PTA volunteers will help, but parents are responsible for ensuring students understand when and where they need to go, and for ensuring that students know how they are getting home after the program is over. Supervision is not provided outside of program hours (except for lunch on Thursdays). If a class does not meet the minimum registration size, it will be canceled.

Questions? See FAQ information at the bottom of this page, or contact

Day Class Grade level Time & Dates Cost & Sessions


Mathletes: Leggo My Math

Gr 1-5 3:00-4:00
No class 10/22

Lando Sculpting with Modeling Clay

Gr 1-3 3:00-5:00
2hrs w/snack provided
Early outdoor class 10/22
No class 11/26
$40 per 2hr session
Pay monthly

PYT Theater

Gr 3-5 3:00-4:30
Early class 10/22 12:35-1:50
Final performance 11/19 MUR 4:00



SBA Tennis/Pickleball

Gr K-3 3:00-4:00
Early class 10/23 12:35-1:35
Free trial at first class (space permitting)


Waitlist-Request here to be added
Gr 3-5 3:00-4:00
No class 10/9, 10/23

Code for Fun: Game Design with MakeCode

Access code: LANDELS-apZV
Gr 3 3:00-4:00
No class 10/23




Request enrollment here
Gr K-2 12:35-1:35
No class 10/10, 10/24

Code for Fun: Games & Art with Python

Access code: LANDELS-apZV
Gr 4-5 12:35-1:35
No class 10/10, 10/24

Chess with Bay Area Chess

Gr 1-5 12:35-1:35
No class 10/10, 10/24

Lando Engineering & Design Thinking

Enroll-Add to waitlist
Waitlist now for fall Lando Engineering
Gr 1-3 12:35-2:35
2hrs w/snack provided
No class 10/24, 11/28
$40 per 2hr session
Pay monthly


Further class descriptions (alphabetically by vendor)

Art Club is a PTA-sponsored activity and facilitated by the PTA, but with instruction provided by CSMA faculty. Students will paint, draw and build with support and instruction from the same CSMA instructor that teaches regularly at Landels.

Bay Area Chess combines fun and learning while promoting a team spirit where everyone helps each other succeed and improve. Our chess program will cover the very basics for students new to the game while also challenging experienced players with more advanced concepts. Students will have the opportunity to learn all the basics of chess and explore deeper strategies, new perspectives on problem solving, tournament preparation and more! Students will also learn valuable life skills through chess, such as winning and losing with grace, sportsmanship, patience and team spirit. Our mission is to transform and enrich the lives of students through chess.

Code for Fun-Game Design with MakeCode: Powered by Microsoft’s cutting-edge platform, this course goes beyond traditional programming classes. Students will learn foundational coding concepts to design their very own virtual arcade games.

Code for Fun-Create Games and Art with Python: This course offers a unique way to introduce the logical world of programming through the colorful lens of digital art and game making! By learning Python programming, students will see their creativity materialize on screen - an inspiring experience that encourages them to explore and understand the beauty of code.

Lando Engineering & Design Thinking: Students discover an excitement for engineering as they design, prototype, and test solutions to real-world challenges with LEGO bricks — building grittiness and problem-solving skills along the way. Each class features progressively challenging levels of a distinct engineering problem, like building domes that withstand asteroids, designing air cannons to launch circus performers, or creating air filters to remove debris. Plus, we regularly share class learnings and photos of each student’s creations with families after class.

Lando Sculpting with Modeling Clay: Unlock artistic passion with our unique sculpting technique class, developed by experts from the Rhode Island School of Design. Students explore fundamental concepts such as color theory and structural supports while learning to simplify complex forms. Each session introduces new and exciting projects from our extensive library of builds, ensuring fresh challenges and creative fun for all skill levels. In addition, students can take home their unique sculptures to showcase their growing skills.

Mathletes-Leggo My Math: Come use Lego to explore a world of mathematical patterns, puzzles, and games. This innovative class is a wonderful opportunity for young builders to learn foundational mathematical skills and ideas. Your child will discover math is visual, hands-on, challenging, and FUN.

PYT Theater: Landels and PYT are teaming up to offer after-school drama! Students will learn the basics of acting, character development, storytelling, and theatre terminology while having fun and rehearsing a play. Parents will be responsible for providing their child’s simple costumes and helping with memorization. A final performance will be offered in the MUR on the last day of class.

Run for Fun is an outdoor After School Program with awesome, enthusiastic and friendly coaches that connect with every kiddo in the class through field games and play. Kids make bonds with friends, work on teamwork, run around and have a blast, all while enjoying games such as capture the flag, chaos tag, gaga ball and dodgeball. Run For Fun Welcomes Everyone! No matter age, athletic ability or skill level. Run For Fun is the place to be yourself!


  • No, these classes are not taught by Landels teachers and staff.

    These classes are taught by professional vendors not associated with the Landels or MVWSD administration, and parents should not expect to have Landels teachers or staff present during these enrichment classes.

  • No, these classes are taught by professional vendors that operate completely independent of the PTA. PTA volunteers have done their best to organize a helpful and diverse schedule of offerings, to liaise between vendors and the school, and to find reputable programs and vendors to invite onto our Landels community campus.

  • Yes, especially for the young children. While teachers are not responsible for your child attending any after-school enrichment program, it will be very helpful for them to know if your child will be dismissed somewhere differently on a particular day of the week.

  • Students line up outside behind the Principal's office for attendance prior to the beginning of their after-school enrichment class. Landels PTA volunteer(s) and staff from vendors will be present at this location to verify attendance before the start of class.

    If your child will also be attending an aftercare program (YMCA, RaS, BtB), they should report to their respective program immediately after school to “check in” and confirm that they will be there later, and you should notify that program that your child will be participating in an enrichment class on a specific day. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of parents and guardians to ensure students know which days they are scheduled to attend an after school program.

  • Pick up your child directly from the after-school activity classroom, unless otherwise specified. You will be provided with the Landels' classroom number at the time of registration or shortly thereafter.

    If you are late to pick up your child, please collect them from the main office rather than the classroom.

    If your child will also be attending an aftercare program (YMCA, RaS, BtB) on the same day, your child will be dismissed from the enrichment class to the aftercare program and you will pick up your child from the aftercare program.

  • No. PTA volunteers will announce when it is time for class and be available to help students find their classes when assistance is needed. The volunteers are not responsible for providing childcare and are not responsible for ensuring student attendance. PTA volunteers will encourage children to attend their enrichment classes, but will not require nor demand that children attend.

  • Students are supposed to have a "lunch period" if they remain on campus after school dismissal on Thursdays.

    For children participating in a Thursday after-school class, parents should plan for students to eat lunch before their program starts, as part of showing up ready to participate. Enrichment classes have been scheduled so that they will not begin until 12:35, allowing students time to eat lunch. PTA volunteers will be available around the lunch tables area to assist to...

    (a) encourage kids to eat something before going to an enrichment class,

    (b) make sure the kids in aftercare programs (YMCA, Right at School, BtB) have checked in and know which class they are going to and when they need to get there, and

    (c) make sure that aftercare programs know which children will be returning to them after an enrichment class. (For K-2 students, the PTA will help kids return to their aftercare programs at the end of their enrichment class.)

    Please note that PTA volunteers can provide assistance only as available, and PTA volunteers are not licensed child supervisors.

  • Yes! If your child is in an aftercare program, they should report to their respective program immediately after school to “check in” and let the aftercare program know that they will be attending another class first, and then return to line up for attendance with the enrichment class outside the Principal's office. You should also notify the aftercare program that your child will be participating in an enrichment class on a specific day of the week.

    For Thursday after-school class AND an aftercare program, parents should plan for students to eat lunch before their enrichment class starts, either with their aftercare program or on their own at the Landels' lunch tables. PTA volunteers will be available around the lunch tables area to assist to...

    (a) encourage kids to eat something before going to an enrichment class,

    (b) make sure the kids in aftercare programs (YMCA, Right at School, BtB) have checked in and know which class they are going to and when they need to get there, and

    (c) make sure that aftercare programs know which children will be returning to them after an enrichment class. (For K-2 students, the PTA will help kids return to their aftercare programs at the end of their enrichment class.)

    Please note that PTA volunteers can provide assistance only as available, and PTA volunteers are not licensed child supervisors.

  • Refunds and cancellation policies are determined by individual vendors, and are usually very generous. Some vendors even offer free trial classes. Most vendors offer cancellation policies with opportunities for a full refund if a class must be canceled due to insufficient enrollment. Please see the registration information from individual vendors for their respective policies regarding cancellations and refunds.

  • It is the responsibility of parents and guardians to ensure students know which days they are scheduled to attend an after-school program, to ensure that their child is either picked up on time at their end of their class or attends an aftercare program, and, in the case of Thursdays, that their child will be able to eat something before participating in their Thursday class.