PTA Forms

Looking for "that" form? Look no further!

  • Need reimbursement from the PTA? Submit your request online.

  • Have cash or checks for deposit? Cash verification form.

  • Would you like to order Landels gear? Purchase online and have the gear delivered to your child's classroom.

  • How about a PTA Membership or Donation? Join and donate using our online system, or save us the 5% processing fees by writing us a check made out to “Landels PTA” and give to the school office.

  • Volunteer for our PTA events. (We need you to make these happen!) Go to our online sign-up, no paperwork necessary!

  • After you’ve volunteered, log your hours to help us maintain our non-profit status.

  • Want to attend events hosted by the PTA? Fill out the Participant Waiver and return it to the office.

Thank you for your support!